Youtube - dl

Did you ever wanted to download a YouTube video . If yes ,

you would have used third party sites or applications to download.

Did you know that there is a tool to download YouTube videos 

without using apps and websites. The tool also allows users to 

downloads videos from many other sites like Vimeo , Hotstar  etc.

As the title suggests it is youtube -dl . It is a python based tool.

So in order to get it working you should first have python installed 

in your computer. If not ,first install python .

How to Install ?

As it is a python package, you can install it with pip (python 

package installer) . Just open your cmd and type in the following

command .

pip install youtube -dl 

This should work in most of the cases. But if you face any errors 

then run the cmd as administrator and retype the same command.

That's it you have youtube -dl installed.

How to Download Videos ?

Move to the directory where you want the file to be saved and use 

the following command.

youtube -dl URL of the video

Eg: youtube -dl http://xyz.mp4

What makes this tool unique ?

This tool lets you download the videos in different resolutions 

which you don't find in most of the websites and apps.

You can also download the audio file seperately which is pretty 

cool in my opinion. So , if you want to download a new song, then 

pass the url of video song and extract only the audio.

Refer the documentation of youtube -dl for different parameters 

that you can pass to the command.

I found this tool useful and thought of sharing it .

Thanks for Reading !


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